1. Please download the REVO Uninstaller Pro software from here

2. Save the .exe file to your computer and then double click it to begin installing the software to your computer.

3. When you first launch the program, you will see that it is unregistered. Click on the 'Help' tab and select 'Registration'



4. Enter a username and the activation key from the email we sent you and then click 'Activate Online' to register.


5. You should then see confirmation that your activation key was successfully registered.


Your activation key will grant you a lifetime license for Revo Uninstaller Pro version 3.1.9 including any micro updates for all version 3 (i.e. version 3.2, version 3.3, etc).  You will need to purchase a new license if you choose to upgrade to version 4.0 and above when they are released.  

If you need any technical assistance for REVO Uninstaller, please contact support@revouninstaller.com